Any parent worth his or her salt will know the phrase “If you don’t put your toys away before you go to bed, you’ll be grounded!” only too well. But it doesn’t usually apply to iconic, historic and immortal ultimate ‘boy’s toys’.

After Tuesday evening’s Flight International 100th birthday celebrations at TAG Farnborough Airport, when the Supermarine Spitfire won the ‘Greatest aircraft of the past century’ award, someone had to put the guest of honour back into its cosy hangar.

And the only people left were a bunch of ‘suits’ who are usually gainfully employed by the aircraft’s owners, Rolls-Royce. So, before they could wend their weary way homewards, they gathered to push the Spitfire PR Mk XIX 400 yards back home.  And if the truth be known, they didn’t mind a bit…

 spitfire push

Source: Flight International
