GMS 5 Latest in a series of operational geo-stationary orbiting meteorological satellites, to be launched by the H2F3 on 22 February;

Hyflex Hypersonic space plane demonstrator, to be launched by the J1F1 in February 1996;

ADEOS Advanced Earth-observation satellite to carry multi-spectral scanners, with two NASA sensors, to be launched on H2F4 in February 1996. The Adeos 2 will be launched on the H2F7 in February 1999;

COMETS Communications and broadcasting engineering test satellite to demonstrate mobile, inter-satellite and broadcasting technologies, to be launched on H2F5 in February 1997. The Comets 2 is scheduled for an H2F8 launch in August 1999;

OICETS Optical inter-orbit communications engineering test satellite to demonstrate laser inter-satellite links using the European Space Agency's Artemis satellite, to be launched on the J1 in February 1998;

TRMM Mission to measure tropical rainfall, carrying NASA sensors, to be launched by the H2F6 in August 1997;

ETS 7 Engineering test satellite (flying with TRMM in 1997) to evaluate automatic rendezvous and docking with a target satellite;

ALOS Advanced land observation satellite, for global mapping and disaster monitoring, to be launched on the H2F9, in February 2000.


SFU Space flyer unit carrying micro-gravity and technology experiments, which will be retrieved by the Space Shuttle, scheduled for launch on the H2F3 on 22 February;

Muses B An 8m-diameter radio telescope called VSOP, to be launched on the M5F1 in August 1996;

Lunar A Lunar-orbiter-penetrator mission, to be launched by the M5F2 in August 1997;

Planet B Mars-orbiting atmosphere observer, to be launched on the M5F3 in August 1998;

Astro E X-ray astronomical observatory, to be launched, probably by the M5, in 1999.

Source: Flight International
