The work going on at Lockheed Martin's new Centre for Innovation in Virginia is like something out of a Tom Clancy novel.

In a live video link-up to the laboratory, nicknamed the Lighthouse, journalists at the show were shown how the company is developing network-centric solutions that will revolutionise the way future wars are won.

Frank Cappuccio, vice-president and general manager, advanced development programmes at Lockheed Martin's famous Skunk Works, says that he can envisage a time when every military asset has an IP address, making its data readily available via the internet.

"You'll be able to call up data or images from satellites, aircraft, UAVs, tanks, soldiers - anything that can be networked," he says.

Analysts at the centre showed how they could play sophisticated war games in a virtual environment. They simulate different war scenarios with the type of data that will eventually be commonplace.

"We are going to be able to give our future warfighters more awareness and a more accurate picture of any conflict they are in," says Cappuccio.

Source: Flight Daily News