Galileo takes to the skies with Asio electrically powered UAV

Galileo Avionica is unveiling an electric-powered vertical take-off and landing unmanned air vehicle at this month's IDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi.

Called Asio, the system is being developed in conjunction with the Unmanned Technologies Research Institute (UTRI). Galileo Avionica says that the UAV has fully autonomous capabilities and has been developed to support manoeuvre, urban and special operations roles.

A complete system, comprising air vehicle, ground control station and communications antenna is small enough to be carried ina backpack.

The UAV system is also designed to be interoperable with Finmeccanica's existing intelligence, surveillance, targeting and reconnaissance systems.

Rome, Italy-based UTRI was established in 2003 to develop UAV autopilot and inertial measurement technologies, and is known to have been working on a 2.8kg (6.2lb) payload mini helicopter UAV for military and civil applications.

Source: Flight International