Heico wants to help the developing market in Asia cut its costs by offering its OEM alternative replacement parts service.

Heico is an FAA approved PMA (Parts Manufacturing Authorisation) that has a 13-year operating history in the region. Executive vice president Josh Abelson says: “Traditionally Asian Aerospace is ‘the show’ in Asia. Asia has in the past had a very conservative culture; we are already working with Japan Airlines and China Airlines. Also, within the past two years we’ve got Cathay Pacific on board too.

“Our PMAs let us offer the same, if not higher quality, replacement parts as the OEMs, but at a reduced cost,” says Abelson. “Hong Kong is a good location for the show because in its former life at Singapore there was a military focus. Military parts is not something we’re really into, so a pure civil show is perfect,” says Joseph DePaoli, sales director.

Heico develops parts for a variety of engines and a variety of sections from fans to turbine wheels including CFM56s, CF6s, PW2000s, PW4000s, V2500, JT8D and JT9D engines. It also offers unit exchange programmes on jet engine turbine airseals and many other flight support services.

abelson and depaoli

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Source: Flight Daily News