The US Army has launched a high-level review of its extended- range multi-purpose (ERMP) unmanned air vehicle requirement as part of a major relook at its full spectrum of higher-capability UAVs. This includes the proposed unmanned combat armed rotorcraft (UCAR) programme and the Future Combat System (FCS) Class 4A and Class 4B UAV requirements.

The higher-level capability platforms review is understood to be attempting to rationalise the four programmes into a more coherent framework, with this potentially including the scrapping of some programmes to reduce the number of UAV types to be fielded.

The review is understood to be asking: can UCAR and ERMP be integrated into the FCS programme as Class 4B solutions? Do UCAR and ERMP overlap sufficiently to warrant termination of one? Can the requirements of FCS Class 4A, Class 4B and ERMP be met with a single platform (the Northrop Grumman RQ-8B Fire Scout has already been selected for Class 4A) ?Does sufficient funding exist to maintain all four requirements?

The inclusion of ERMP in the review has forced a last-minute, indefinite delay in the release of tenders for that requirement.

Source: Flight International