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    Can AAM live up to its promise?

    Exclusive partner

    Sponsored by exclusive partner: Honeywell. A flurry of advanced air mobility platforms will take to the skies for the first time in 2024 and 2025. In this webinar we look at AAM’s potential for truly disrupting short-distance mobility and the industry’s carbon impact, as well as the many challenges the nascent sector still faces, from regulatory to infrastructure, technical to training, and financial to market acceptance.

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    Aerospace’s net-zero challenge: the CTO perspective

    Exclusive partner

    The technology chiefs of Boeing, Embraer, GKN, Airbus and Honeywell discuss the advances the industry needs to make to deliver its carbon reduction promises over the next two decades. Will progress consist of incremental steps or will a big-bang engineering breakthrough be required to propel the sector into a new sustainable era? Speakers include: Todd Giles - Chief Technology Officer at Honeywell Aerospace Technologies Dr. Todd Citron - Chief Technology Officer of The Boeing Company Russ Dunn - Chief Technology Officer at GKN Aerospace Luís Carlos Affonso - Senior Vice President of Engineering and Technology Development at Embraer Sabine Klauke Chief Technology Officer at Airbus Sponsored by our exclusive partner: Honeywell