Honeywell has redesigned its Apex integrated avionics suite for general-aviation aircraft to provide the same architecture and growth capabilities as its Primus Epic system for business and regional jets. The change has delayed certification of the first Apex applications to mid-2007.

“Our customers decided they wanted the advanced features in high-end business jets,” says John Todd, vice-president general aviation and helicopters. “That required us to adjust the architecture to import features from Epic and put Apex on the same growth path as Epic.”

Changes include use of Epic’s DEOS software operating system for all Apex functions, and use of the same engineering processes for development. This allows Apex to provide growth for electronic flight bag, paperless cockpit and synthetic vision. “We had to have the building blocks in place,” says Todd.

Apex has been selected for the Grob SPn business jet and single-turboprop Extra EA-500, and Todd says Honeywell has other unannounced customers. Whereas Epic is designed for two-crew, Part 25 transport-category aircraft, Apex is aimed at single-pilot aircraft ranging from turboprops to light jets certificated under the Part 23 commuter category.

Todd says the different market for Apex required Honeywell to simplify the man-machine interface developed for Epic.

Source: Flight International