Messier-Dowty (Stand A661) is showcasing the nose landing gear for the Raytheon Hawker Horizon at the show.

This is the first time that this landing gear has been seen in Singapore where it is one of a range on display. The Hawker Horizon has only recently made its first flight and is not yet in service.

"This is a great opportunity to demonstrate the sheer range of aircraft that we develop products for," explains Peter Hall, Corporate Communications manager, Messier Dowty.

"As well as the smaller regional and business aircraft, we also develop products for the larger passenger aircraft with each landing gear tailored specifically to each particular model."

The Hawker Horizon nose landing gear is the result of a joint venture between Messier-Dowty and Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing (SAM) signed in March 2000. The partners aim to manufacture small and medium-sized landing gear, in particular for business and regional aircraft. Messier-Dowty sees the venture as a valuable foothold in the Asian aerospace marketplace.

Source: Flight Daily News