Now that an engine has been picked for the Airbus military A400M, I suppose the UK Royal Air Force must look forward to operating the type in the dim and distant future.

Although obviously not party to the operational analysis, I would have thought the UK military fixed-wing load-carrying requirements are best met by the present Lockheed Martin C-130J/Boeing C-17 combination. How does the A400M fit in? Surely there is no intention to replace the C-17s with vehicles of 50% individual capability?

Perhaps the RAF could ignore its political masters and tell us if it really wants the A400M, or would prefer to spend its limited budget on something useful, and someone independent of Airbus Military tells us it is really brilliant and innovative, and not as pedestrian and ill-conceived as it appears.

By all means, let us secure employment and income in the UK by working on the project. Unfortunately, the purpose of a UK purchase appears to be to further the "good European" ambitions of prime minister Tony Blair.

John Chalmers Troon, UK

Source: Flight International