IACA turns to Smith

The International Air Carrier Association (IACA), which represents 33 of Europe's main charter operators, has brought in former Air 2000 managing director Ken Smith as interim director general in place of Marc Frisque, who has left to concentrate on his own consultancy business.

Smith, co-founder of Air 2000 in 1986, left the carrier in April. He was invited by IACA president, and chief executive of DutchBird, Jan Heppener, to take the IACA role. Smith was a natural choice. He has a good understanding of the role, having served as association president in 2001-02.

The search for a permanent director general has yet to get under way, says Smith, but IACA's AGM in April will be a good time to unveil a full-time operational head of the association. Smith is unable to take the position full-time himself because he is studying for a doctorate in business studies at the UK's Kingston University. He also became a non-executive director of UK charter start-up Astraeus in June.

Until a full-time director general is recruited, Smith's job is to broaden the interest base of IACA, and to make the association's views heard on a series of key aero-political issues in Brussels and Europe. IACA will soon start bringing on associate members, such as the aircraft and engine makers, lessors and other suppliers, says Smith. Issues facing IACA include European Commission proposals on passenger rights, denied boarding, airport slots, and insurance.


Source: Airline Business