One company at ILA with the light touch is Luratec which has been developing and manufacturing synthetic components made of fibre-reinforced composite materials.

Chief executive Hans-Jürgen Henneke, has developed the company from his background in space technology. He previously worked with satellites as well as the Titan and the Ariane 5 projects and is co-owner of a device patent for the production of thermally stress relieved fibre-reinforced components.

Luratec has been working with Airbus planning and laying drainage systems and b-brackets as well as sidewalls and other parts for the galley area for the A380.
The emphasis of AG's business is laid on the development, construction and production of fibre reinforced components, the conception of systems solutions and the research in the fields of light construction.


“We act as risk-share-partner or take responsibility for single components, modules or complete systems such as inner side walls and air conditioning pipes or what is known as structural components,” says Henneke.  “Our components are delivered to the customer's aircraft final assembly line or maintenance facility in time and ready to be installed.

As well as handling glass and carbon fibre, Luratec works with an industrial partner and the University of Rostock to develop sandwich-elements made of light metals in combination with carbon.

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Source: Flight Daily News