EC to tackle ATC delays

The Association of European Airlines has gained backing from the European Commission (EC) for a political solution to the worsening delays in Europe's airspace. EC vice-president and Transport Commissioner Loyola De Palacio has given the issue prominence in her transport work schedule, following the inclusion of air traffic control delays in a priority shortlist adopted by the EC president Romano Prodi.

Iberia privatisation slips

The current state of the market has forced the Spanish Government to postpone privatisation of flag carrier Iberia from the planned 22 November date until January 2000 at the earliest. But a general election due in March may delay its floatation until a new government has been chosen.

easyJet going Dutch

UK low-fare airline easyJet has re-opened acquisition talks with troubled Dutch holiday charter airline Air Holland, which has gone into voluntary liquidation, following the collapse of purchase talks with Schreiner Aviation.

ADR privatisation

The Italian government has announced that it will reduce its stake in Aeroporti di Roma to below 50% by June 2000.

Noise in the UK

Rapidly growing low-cost airport London Stansted has tightened up night-time noise regulations for new aircraft ahead of the UK government's April 2002 deadline. Stansted's move, which will soon be followed by similar action by Gatwick and Heathrow, ensures that no services are operated at night by aircraft classified as QC4 by the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and Regions (DETR). This excludes all chapter 2 and some chapter 3 aircraft.

Labour costs declining

European airline labour costs as a the proportion of total costs fell by some 2% to 27-28% between 1993 and 1998, according to a study by Cranfield University. SAS has the highest costs by this measure with 33-34%. The Scandinavian airline also has the highest costs per employee of $80,000, followed by British Airways and Air France. The European average is around $57,000.

Source: Airline Business