• Japan’s space agency JAXA launched the 1,590kg (3,500lb) astronomical X-ray satellite Suzaki on 10 July on an M5 booster. The satellite will replace the Astro E craft that was lost in an M5 launch failure in February 2000.
  • SpaceDev has received a $1.25 million contract from Andrews Space to begin design of the low-cost SmallTug for launch in 2008 to demonstrate technologies to support exploration of the Moon and Mars.
  • NASA has awarded eight-month, $28 million contracts to Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman/Boeing to support a review of engineering systems for the accelerated Crew Exploration Vehicle programme.
  • Zero Gravity is to conduct two parabolic research flights for NASA in mid-September using its modified Boeing 727. The University of North Dakota is to operate NASA’s Douglas DC-8 suborbital laboratory.

Source: Flight International
