Arianespace will launch the Xtar-Eur communications satellite on an Ariane 5ECA in mid-2004. The Space Systems/Loral-built satellite is a joint venture between Loral Space & Communications and Spain's Hisdesat.

Boeing launched a Delta II from Cape Canaveral, Florida on 20 December carrying the 21st global positioning satellite, a Lockheed Martin GPS IIR. Four more are scheduled for launch in 2004.

Canadian communications satellite operator Telesat is planning to order a third Nimiq-class high-power, direct- broadcast spacecraft. The first two were built by Lockheed Martin.

Insurers have rejected claims by PanAmSat for the total loss of the Galaxy XI and PAS 1R satellites due to degradation of solar panels on the Boeing 702-based craft. Insured for $632 million, they are still capable of limited capacity.

Russian space agency Rosaviakosmos and US company Space Adventures propose to market honeymoons aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Space Adventures has brokered two $20 million tourist flights to the ISS and two more are signed for Soyuz TMA missions in 2004-5. Two flight opportunities in 2005-7 are being marketed.

Orbital Imaging (Orbimage) has released its first sample images from the OrbView 3 high-resolution commercial imaging satellite launched in June 2003, including a 1m-resolution panchromatic view of Washington DC.

In the wake of the failure of Japan's H2A on 29 November, the Japanese space agency JAXA has postponed the planned launch of the Selenogical and Engineering Explorer (Selene) lunar orbiter, for at least a year from 2005. Selene had already been delayed from 2003. Two other planned H2A satellite launches have also been delayed.

The US Federal Communications Commission has approved News Corporation's $6.6 million takeover of the DirecTV satellite communications company.

Source: Flight International