Yuri Koptev, chief of the Russian space agency, says the emphasis of NASA's space exploration programme should be completion of the International Space Station, and questions whether the planned NASA Crew Exploration Vehicle fleet will be suitable for Space Station, lunar and Martian missions combined. Brigadier General Duane Deal, who was a member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB), has warned NASA not to rush into launching the return to flight mission, originally due in September. He says September is too early and NASA needs to make sure it is going to fulfil all the 29 recommendations made by the CAIB. n China plans to fly its four-stage Kai Tuozhe-1 solid propellant booster to launch a science satellite in 2004. The KT-1, which can carry a 100kg (220lb) payload into low earth orbit, is thought to have failed to place a satellite on its maiden flight in September 2003. China will meanwhile launch two taikonauts into orbit aboard the Shenzhou 6 spacecraft next year.

Source: Flight International