Innocon has completed flight tests with its MicroFalcon mini unmanned air system in a multi-vehicle control configuration.

Enabling an operator to maintain continuous coverage over a target under both day and night conditions, the Multi UAS capability forms part of a contract signed earlier this year to supply MicroFalcon systems to the Peruvian army.

Two air vehicles can be controlled and monitored from a single ground-control station, with the user able to switch between video images provided by either platform.

The MicroFalcon is designed to be hand-carried by two crew members to an operating zone, from where it can be deployed within minutes to perform surveillance missions. It can fly for up to 4h to an operating ceiling of 15,000ft (4,570m).

Innocon's deal with Peru also covers the supply of its Naviator flight computer, which manages all flight parameters, including take-off and landing. Its customer will also equip its aircraft with Controp's stabilised mini payload, which features electro-optical and infrared sensors.

Source: Flight International