KrasAir has received the first of two refurbished and modified Yakovlev Yak-42D90s, which it will use to upgrade regional services now operated by ageing Tupolev Tu-134s and Tu-154Bs. The airline had planned to acquire Tu-334s, but switched to the Yak-42D after changes in the production plan for the new aircraft.

The carrier is taking the Yak-42Ds on two-year operating leases from leasing company Aviatechnologia, with purchase options. Aviatechnologia is providing full technical support for the aircraft. The Yak-42Ds are being delivered after major overhaul and conversion into the improved D90 variant by the Bykovo aircraft overhaul plant. This variant has a 4,000ft (1,200m) higher cruise altitude of 32,000ft and greater range. The trijets will be used to feed its hub in Krasnoyarsk, central Siberia, on intra-Siberian services, and on thin routes to Almaty, Bishkek and other destinations in central Asia.

Krasair had previously placed commitments with Tu-334 production plant RSK MiG for two 102-seat -100s for delivery in 2004.This plan collapsed because of management changes at RSK MiG and revision of the company's role in the project.



Source: Flight International