Line-maintenance certifying mechanic: This Category "A" qualification carries certificating authority. The holder is defined as having good basic knowledge and experience, is task-qualified and can certify simple line defects and scheduled inspections;

line-maintenance certifying technician (LMCT): this category B1 (mechanical) or B2 (avionic) licence carries certificating authority. The holder has a "high level of basic knowledge", is qualified on specific aircraft types, and can certificate all line-defect rectification and line-scheduled checks.


Base-maintenance mechanic: non-certificating role, conducting simple maintenance tasks;

base-maintenance technician (BMT): the holder can certificate completion of maintenance tasks acting in a supervisory or inspection role, but cannot issue a certificate of release to service (CRS). The requirements are a high level of knowledge and qualification on specific aircraft types in a mechanical or avionic specialisation;

base-maintenance certifying engineer: this Category C engineer has qualified as LMCT or BMT and has a mechanical or avionics background with a "high level of experience". He can provide a single-signature CRS.

Source: Flight International