Lufthansa will boost its long-haul widebody capacity early next year with the lease of secondhand A330-200s and A340s, ahead of the arrival of new A330-300s in 2004.

The airline faces a capacity shortage after its decision following the 11 September downturn to return to Airbus four A340-200s, now being leased to South African Airways. Lufthansa recently concluded a deal for 10 new A330-300s for delivery from January 2004, and confirms that Airbus has agreed to provide aircraft on interim lease under the deal. "We have been talking with Airbus to have interim leases to close this gap," says Lufthansa.

Airbus has placed four stored Pratt & Whitney PW4000-powered A330-200s with the airline - one ex-Sabena and three ex-Swissair aircraft. Another grounded, ex-Sabena -200 being remarketed independently has also been placed with Lufthansa.

In a separate deal, Lufthansa is understood to be discussing the acquisition of up to four ex-Sabena A340s stored in Belgium and France. Two are A340-200s which have been on the market for over a year, while the other two are -300s that have been stored since the Belgian airline's collapse in November.

Source: Flight International