UK £ Sterling Rates (NET)

Billboard 121
MPU 101
Half Page or Double MPU 121
Wallpaper 162
Interstitial 210
Mobile Banner 121
Mobile - Stay On 121
Mobile- Curtain Raiser 121
In Article Video 162
Flat-rate based - 
Homepage Takeover 1 day 10040
Marketplace Recommendations (native) per month/ 3 month minimum 2817
Paid Content channel 5232
Flat-rate based: Dedicated show landing page - cost per adv unit - 3 weeks exclusive   
Tier 1: Farnborough; Paris 14087 N/A N/A
Tier 2: Dubai; Singapore 11075 N/A N/A
Tier 3: AIX; ALTA ; IATA; EBACE; NBAA; Bahrain 7550 N/A N/A
Home Page Takeovers (per day) 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day
  9562 7550 5534
NewslettersTop bannerSlot 2Slot 3Slot 4Solus (all positions)Frequency
Aerospace 1811 1610 1449 1288 4853 Weekly
Airline Business 2013 1851 1610 1449 5232 Weekly
Defence 1449 1208 1087 966 4025 Weekly
Events 1449 1208 1087 966 4025 Key Events
Flight International 2013 1851 1610 1449 5232 Weekly
Sustainable Aviation Focus 1593 1328 1195 1062 4427 Monthly
Supplier Update exclusive exclusive exclusive exclusive 5433 Bespoke
Flight International (A4 size)x1x3x6x9x12
Barndoor front cover 14285 13570 12892 12247 11635
Full-Page 10435 9911 9415 8945 8499
DPS Spread 16297 15472 14686 13923 13199
1/2 Page 6564 6254 5940 5642 5360
1/4 Page 3654 3473 3300 3135 2979
1/8 Page 2737 2600 2472 2347 2230
Airline Business (regular magazine size)x1x4
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 15000 14258
Full-Page 8659 8225
DPS Spread 15693 14486
1/2 Page 5633 5352
1/4 Page 4194 3984
1/8 Page 3147 2990
Flight Daily News (tabloid)- Singapore/ Farnborough/ Paris/ Dubai/ EBACEx1x3x4
Flight Suit Distribution Only N/A 25000 25000
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 17152 15436 13893
Full-Page 7838 7054 6349
DPS Spread 14084 12876 11267
1/2 Page 5070 4563 4106
1/4 Page 3477 3127 2817
1/8 page 2632 2367 2129
Cover strip 4500 4275 4061
Earpiece (front cover) No single ins 2817 2415
Flight Daily News (tabloid)- Bahrainx1x3
Flight Suit Distribution Only N/A 15000
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 12294 11064
Full-Page 7838 7054
DPS Spread 14084 12876
1/2 Page 5070 4563
1/4 Page 3477 3127
1/8 page 2632 2367
Cover strip 4500 4275
Earpiece (front cover) No single ins 2817
Airline Business Special- ALTA/ IATAx1
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 7500
Full-Page 2093
DPS Spread 4185
1/2 Page 1078
1/4 Page 805
1/8 page 604
Cover strip 1250
Earpiece (front cover) 600