USD $ Rates (NET)

Billboard 166
MPU 138.6
Half Page or Double MPU 166
Wallpaper 221
Interstitial 287
Mobile Banner 166
Mobile - Stay On 166
Mobile- Curtain Raiser 166
In Article Video 221
Flat-rate based - 
Homepage Takeover 1 day 13754
Marketplace Recommendations (native) per month/ 3 month minimum 3900
Paid Content channel 7000
Flat-rate based: Dedicated show landing page - cost per adv unit - 3 weeks exclusive   
Tier 1: Farnborough; Paris 20264 N/A N/A
Tier 2: Dubai; Singapore 15932 N/A N/A
Tier 3: ALTA ; IATA; EBACE; NBAA; Bahrain 10783 N/A N/A
Home Page Takeovers (per day) 1 Day 3 Day 5 Day
  13754 10860 7960
NewslettersTop bannerSlot 2Slot 3Slot 4Solus (all positions)Frequency
Aerospace 2481 2205 1985 1764 6615 Weekly
Airline Business 2756 2536 2205 1985 7166 Weekly
Defence 1985 1654 1489 1323 5513 Weekly
Events 1985 1654 1489 1323 5513 Key Events
Flight International 2756 2536 2205 1985 7166 Weekly
Sustainable Aviation Focus 2185 1820 1638 1460 6065 Monthly
Supplier Update exclusive exclusive exclusive exclusive 7442 Bespoke
Flight International (A4 size)x1x3x6x9x12
Full-Page 14295 13578 12899 12255 11642
DPS Spread 22326 21196 20121 19073 18081
1/2 Page 9013 8567 8136 7729 7343
1/4 Page 5005 4758 4520 4295 4079
1/8 Page 3749 3562 3385 3214 3054
Airline Business (regular magazine size)x1x4
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 18621 17700
Full-Page 11863 11268
DPS Spread 21499 19845
1/2 Page 7718 7332
1/4 Page 5745 5458
1/8 Page 4311 4096
Flight Daily News (tabloid)- Singapore/ Farnborough/ Paris/ Dubai/ EBACEx1x3
Full-Page 10790 9664
DPS Spread 19293 17640
1/2 Page 6945 6251
1/4 Page 4762 4284
1/8 page 3605 3241
Cover strip 6158 5850
Earpiece (front cover) No single ins 3858
Flight Daily News (tabloid)- Bahrainx1x3
Flight Suit Distribution Only N/A 18621
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 15262 13735
Full-Page 9730 8757
DPS Spread 17484 15984
1/2 Page 6294 5665
1/4 Page 4316 3882
1/8 page 3267 2938
Cover strip 5586 5307
Earpiece (front cover) No single ins 3497
Airline Business Special- ALTA/ IATAx1
HP vertical cover wrap with OBC 9311
Full-Page 2598
DPS Spread 5195
1/2 Page 1338
1/4 Page 999
1/8 page 750
Cover strip 1552
Earpiece (front cover) 745