Product and process techno­logies that could form part of major UK national aerospace research projects are to be the focus of the Advantage West Midlands £700,000 ($1.2 million) Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme, writes Rob Coppinger.

The UK’s expected national projects are based upon the National Aerospace Technology Strategy. This has identified technologies such as sensors, smart materials, prognostics, advanced electric drives and propulsion systems as key to competitiveness.

These would form part of the six potential national projects, which are Environmentally Friendly Engine, More Electric Aircraft, Civil Powered Wing, Autonomous Systems Technology, Integrated Air Traffic Management Network and Future Air Battlespace Demonstrator.

The programme’s contract has been awarded to Midlands Aerospace Alliance. It will organise clusters of research institutions, business agencies and small- and medium-sized enterprises for technology development. The national projects will take place if bids for money from the UK’s Department of Trade and Industry are successful.

Source: Flight International