Baldwin Aviation (Booth 3372) is now offering its SMSplus web-based management and monitoring program.

SMSplus includes a safety management system (SMS) manual, safety risk profiles, risk assessments, operational alerts, a document bulletin board and access to Baldwin’s ‘Safety Barometer’ and electronic library. In addition, it provides attractive discounts for its support services program, which addresses fuel management, scheduling, weather information and operational issues. Fees for SMSplus are based on the number of aircraft and participants.

Don Baldwin, president of Baldwin Aviation, says: “There are a lot of flight departments or aircraft operations that have portions of a safety management program in place, but they aren’t fully equipped or staffed to stay current with all the safety-related information and regulations.

“SMSplus is specifically designed with them in mind. It’s an on-line, turnkey, flexible and affordable program that will help them fill in the gaps in their safety management.”

Source: Flight Daily News