Hushkit Aviation is at NBAA showcasing its Stage III compliant hush kit for Gulfstream GII, GIIB and GIII jets manufactured between 1968 and 1980.

“That covers maybe 400 aircraft,” says Todd Stimmel, Hushkit’s vice president. “Now I believe that soon there will be legislation changes that means people with the Stage II compliance will end up with a choice. Either hush kit it, or replace the airplane.”

Hushkit Aviation is promoting kits it acquired from the bankrupt Stage III Technologies, but Stimmel says: “We are not going to be producing these to order like they did. We’ll have a full production line, and expect to be in full production by the end of 2009 - which could be around the same time the legislation changes.”

Hushkit’s hush kit consists of three parts. A mixer, an ejector and the thrust reverser. Stimmel is keen to highlight the new titanium cascade thrust reverser, which is more effective than the original because it uses modern technology. It gives a full 360-degree reversal, and can be used at 80% power. And because it is a modern design, it is self-lubricating and therefore requires no maintenance. “Unlike the original reversers,” adds Stimmel.

Above all, the kit does not affect take-off power settings, nor does it amend any payload capacity or require the change of any cockpit procedures.


Source: Flight Daily News