Flight International Online news 10:00GMT: Last week's National Business Aviation Association convention raised $100,000 for New Orleans citizens affected by Hurricane Katrina.

The association was forced to move the event - the biggest aviation gathering in the USA - from New Orleans to Orlando at short notice after the devastating floods caused by the hurricane in September.

"In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the business aviation community provided a tremendous amount of assistance for Gulf Coast citizens impacted by Hurricane Katrina," says NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen.

"NBAA is pleased that the convention was able help our industry build upon its generosity to New Orleans citizens with several initiatives to provide financial support to the ongoing relief efforts."

Amounts raised through convention-related efforts are being donated to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, which was established by former Presidents Bush and Clinton to provide relief and rebuilding resources to help victims in areas impacted by the hurricane.

This charitable fund works with elected officials to coordinate both short- and long-term relief efforts.


Source: Flight International