EAST WEST AIRLINES, India's largest private airline, has received Government permission to import four Boeing 737-400s to meet demand for more capacity into Bombay and to service a new Delhi-Hyderabad route.

The 737-400s are expected to be leased from Malaysia Airlines. Two are scheduled for delivery in December, with the remainder arriving in March 1996. The airline operates up to ten 737-200s on its mainline routes from Bombay, Delhi and Calcutta.

Price Waterhouse has been appointed to prepare a master plan for a complete revamp of the airline's operations and is expected to submit its final report by mid-December. The report will assess each operation and make recommendations on plans to diversify into aircraft maintenance, overhaul and ground handling, and non-aviation activities such as hotel management and tourism promotion.

A new chief executive is due to be appointed shortly to replace the murdered Thakiyudeen Abdul Wahid (Flight International, 22-28 November).


Source: Flight International