A new product that could influence airline safety has been revealed by McKechnie. The force sensor rod is the world's first lightweight, structural control rod and is just one of the products on show at Stand E2, Hall 3 as part of the company's new concept of ‘solutioneering', finding solutions to engineering problems. McKechnie was given the challenge of designing a smaller, lighter rod that took up less space, but remained durable and reliable, and the force sensor rod was born. Despite its size, all the components are contained within the main structure. It can then be wired directly to a data recorder making it ideal for use in landing gear to monitor impact and the effects on the aircraft.


Roy Thomas, McKechnie¹s commercial manager for the UK says: "Our aim is to highlight our competencies in structural, electro-mechanical and after-market businesses by developing integrated systems which give the customer an end solution. "The force rod is an excellent example of this, providing a solution that can be used for many applications including helicopter doors, access panels and flight control systems."

Source: Flight Daily News