SIA Engineering, Pratt & Whitney (P&W) and Tube Processing (TBC) have firmed up a joint-venture agreement covering the repair of aerospace tubes, ducts and manifolds in Singapore.

Singapore Airlines subsidiary SIA Engineering says it has a one-third stake in the venture, known as IAT-Asia.

The remaining two-thirds are held by International Aerospace Tubes, itself a joint venture between P&W and Indianapolis-based TPC, which makes engine ducts and other sheet metal products and machine fittings.

SIA Engineering says the new company will have a paid-up capital of $12 million and will initially repair tubes used on P&W JT8D, JT9D, PW2000 and PW4000 engines.

"The company plans to expand its range of capabilities to include other manufacturer's engines," it says, naming the General Electric CF6, CFM International CFM56 and International Aero Engines V2500.

"The first in Asia to offer such services, IAT-Asia will expand its range of repair services to include airframe tubes in the near future," it adds.

IAT-Asia will be located near Singapore's Changi airport, it says, and revenues are expected to reach $5 million in its first full year of operations. The facility is expected to be ready at the end of this year.

SIA Engineering says the venture is its 16th with strategic partners.

Source: Flight Daily News