Plans to create a focal point for ‘shared thinking' and innovative ideas have been unveiled at Farnborough 2002 by the North West Aerospace Alliance (NWAA) (Hall 1, D11).The wraps came off the first architectural impressions of the new multi-million pound Aerospace Innovations Centre (AIC) which is being championed by the NWAA through its Partnerships in Excellence initiative and has the backing of several organisations, including the Northwest Development Agency.

NWAA sees the project as crucial to the region if it is to maintain its reputation for innovation based on almost a century of aerospace heritage. Planned as the first of its kind in Europe, the AIC will be at the forefront of nurturing new ideas, bringing together academia, industry and many other sectors of industry to deliver a one-stop shop for all aerospace innovation. The project has now reached the end of its initial planning stage and many key themes have been established.

NWAA Chairman Dennis Mendoros says: "Many months of planning and discussions have brought us to the point where our vision for a specialist centre focused entirely on innovative thinking is about to become a reality."

Source: Flight Daily News