Op-Ed Columnists – Page 16

  • Opinion

    Comment: A silver lining to the ash cloud?


    In recent years the European Union has zapped its air carriers. It has introduced over-the-top passenger rights legislation and has delayed and long-routed flights with its jigsaw-puzzle air traffic management system. And it has overcharged airlines for the privilege.

  • Opinion

    Comment: Breakthrough or bust


    After 25 years of operating Bell's Kiowa Warrior as an 'interim' platform, the US Army is pushing, again, for a replacement. But will a gamble on new technology return a winner?

  • Opinion

    Comment: The fear factor


  • Opinion

    COMMENT: Business aviation is shackled in most of the world


    Business aviation gets a rough ride in most of the world for no good reason. Changing that situation should be the principal aim of all the business aviation...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Defence review, or strategic error?


    What are the long-term implications of the UK's decisions to axe its carrier strike and maritime patrol aircraft capabilities?

  • Opinion

    Comment: It's a style thing


    Price, performance and after-sales service all figure into the mix when it comes to choosing between brands. But what really makes the sale is raw, sexy good looks

  • Opinion

    Comment: The nuts and bolts of the plastic fanatic


    Aerospace manufacturers have long been convinced of the benefits of lightweight, aerodynamic composite materials, but engineering has proved problematic.

  • Opinion

    Comment: Short ride on a spaceplane


    The term "space tourism" does not always bring to mind positive images. Think chequebook astronauts who dream of going boldly without actually having to compete intellectually with the terrifyingly well-qualified crew who fill the seats on real space missions

  • Opinion

    Comment: Zero hour for helicopter safety improvement


    Now, five years after the International Helicopter Safety Team launched its historic attempt to transform global rotary-wing safety performance, it has assembled the necessary critical mass of data on which to base intervention strategies

  • Opinion

    Comment: Speed – a question of money


    When Mel "Mad Max" Gibson visits a lonely desert mechanic in search of serious horsepower, a sign above the door sums it all up: "Speed is a question of money - how fast do you want to go?"

  • Opinion

    Comment: Do it or rue it


    Aviation has a golden opportunity to set itself challenging but achievable targets for emissions reductions. If it doesn't act now, enviromental activists may force change on the industry

  • Opinion

    Comment: Destruction still means death


    One reason military electronics cost a bomb compared with civilian gadgets is that military equipment has got to operate reliably in vastly more hostile environments than a living room or a Starbucks

  • Opinion

    Comment: Probing investigation


    Air accident investigation in Europe will still be carried out by national agencies, but a new EU law requires them to be much more accountable. This is no bad thing

  • Opinion

    Comment: Revolving doors


  • Opinion

    Comment: Endlessly fighting yesterday's battle


    True to all expectations, the World Trade Organisation ruling last week on Europe's claim that Boeing receives "illegal" subsidies was a victory for Europe. And, it was a victory for the USA.

  • Opinion

    Comment: Would Europe flounder again if the ash cloud returns?


    European aviation need not suffer from organisational confusion the next time its skyways are choked with ash - assuming regulators and airlines can learn to embrace risk

  • Opinion

    Comment: Of steady sales and plunging profits


    An aphorism of the corporate world holds that turnover is vanity, margin is sanity. In other words: grow sales all you want, it's profits that count.

  • Opinion

    Comment: The revolution starts now


    US defence contractors are tightening their belts as Washington makes it clear that economy is the big gun in budgeting. After a decade of rampant growth, some trimming is in order

  • Opinion

    Comment: Buy American


    With pressure on US military spending putting defence company accounts under strain, big contractors are looking for new markets - and Washington is keen to lower export barriers

  • Opinion

    Comment: Airframers aren't the only later arrivers


    In-flight entertainment and connectivity vendors don't do well with deadlines. Like major airframers, they often agree to overly ambitious delivery schedules, only to end up missing the mark by many months or even years.