Op-Ed Columnists – Page 19

  • Opinion

    Comment: Will lightning strike twice for EADS?


    Boeing, perhaps more than anyone, should be thankful its rival EADS decided to take one final shot at the KC-X tanker contract.

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    Comment: European authorities accept a higher risk to safety


    Europe has had to make a decision about how to deal with atmospheric volcanic ash when it cannot be avoided. That judgement has been taken carefully, but should be kept under review

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    Comment: The odd couples


    Whether it's the changing nature of the industry, or desperation to access new markets and grow at all costs, intriguing partnerships which would have previously been downright bizarre are emerging. Perhaps opposites really can be attractive in today's airline business

  • Opinion

    Comment: Obama in volte-face on space


    The opponents of president Barack Obama's NASA flexible path plan won a victory last week when the head of state resurrected the cancelled Orion crew exploration vehicle - albeit a scaled-down version.

  • Opinion

    Comment: Failure to talk


    The fatal crash of a Polish presidential flight in Russia shows extremely poor operational planning by both nations. Historic lack of communication between them may be a factor

  • Opinion

    Comment: Perception, reality and the F-35


    Lost amid reports of up to a 90% cost overrun for the F-35 programme is the curious fact that Lockheed Martin is so far delivering low-rate initial production...

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    Comment: clearing the toxic air


    Much legal action may follow a landmark court ruling proving the connection between toxic cabin air and illness, but the best way forward would be to solve the contamination problem

  • Opinion

    Comment: Devil and the details


    The International Civil Aviation Organisation's high-level safety conference must persuade states to deal with the fine points if the global aviation community is to cut accident rates

  • Opinion

    Comment: Is space charter worthy of a great nation?


    The US space programme is in turmoil. President Obama's plans to axe the Moon-return programme, retire the Space Shuttle and privatise low-Earth orbit transport...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Spoofing, instead of jamming, navigation systems


    Should the aviation industry worry about global positioning system spoofing? Perhaps. Straightforward GPS jamming has always been a known and understood...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Saga or sideshow?


    The agonising WTO battle between Airbus's and Boeing's national sponsors can only achieve so much. A lasting solution surely must emerge from the political, rather than legal, realm

  • Opinion

    Comment: Missed the boat


    Europe faces a slow and painful recovery from the economic crisis. For network carriers the onus to change has been colossal, but the tide is already turning. If restructuring plans are not sufficiently advanced, it may be too late

  • Opinion

    Comment: Powering on


    New engines for Airbus and Boeing narrowbodies may not be a silver bullet solution to environmental, competitive and economic challenges - but they're still the way to go

  • Opinion

    Comment: A European Union air accident investigation agency must not be a committee


    The Flight Safety Foundation, in its latest statements about an air accident investigation system for the future, has rightly criticised the European Union's current proposed solution as unworkable.

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    Comment: India's crash course


    Destroying military aircraft and killing pilots in accidents is such a frequent occurrence that it takes a high-profile air show disaster to raise some anger. It's time for action in New Delhi

  • Opinion

    Comment: Dutch dreams of Fokker revival


    In the 1990s the Fokker JetLine family - comprising the 70 and 100 models - was in a fight for supremacy at the top end of a sparsely populated regional...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Eurotraining scheme hits turbulence


    Europe's long-held aspiration to establish a collaborative military pilot training system could be within months of collapse, with the nine partner nations...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Business aviation needs a good fatigue risk management system


    Airlines are proving crew fatigue risk management to be a safety concept whose time has come. Business aviation operators should embrace - rather than resist - a huge improvement

  • Opinion

    Comment: Healing in Houston


    No longer in denial, the helicopter industry came together in Texas last week, fully aware of its shortcomings and challenges and fully committed to a more robust, safer future

  • Opinion

    Comment: Is Obama boxing clever on NASA?


    As a former Marine Corps general and Space Shuttle commander, NASA administrator Charles Bolden is well-equipped to take fire. That's good, because he needed all the grace under pressure he could muster last week when senators tore into him and his boss, Barack Obama, for killing off US human spaceflight.