Op-Ed Columnists – Page 23

  • Opinion

    Comment: Remote control for life


    Historically the skies have been a safe haven, one of the few places where we are quite literally out of reach. Not any more. As we become increasingly dependent on devices like the iPhone, how long will it be before onboard connectivity becomes the norm?

  • Opinion

    COMMENT: Pilot training is the key to recovering airline safety


    Airline safety advance has stalled. Pilot training looks like the key, and it is high time the regulators and airlines reviewed how recurrent training is done for modern aircraft

  • Opinion

    Comment: one man's legacy for war


    The death of Robert McNamara stirs thoughts about the past: Vietnam, Cuba and, yes, military acquisition policy. The USA's longest-serving secretary of defence,...

  • Opinion

    Comment: we come in peace


    The 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's triumphant Moon mission is a much justified celebration, but are we marking a great moment from our past or one step on a great journey forwards?

  • Opinion

    Comment: open season for political posturing


    European transport commissioner Antonio Tajani and several French politicians have been pronouncing on the Yemenia Airbus A310 accident in a way that reflects...

  • Opinion

    Comment: no simple lick of paint


    The USA's air supremacy is spearheaded by the F-22 Raptor. None doubt its performance, but many critics are convinced its stealth coatings are too fragile to be relied on in combat

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    Comment: The V-22 deserves better than this


    Neither a helicopter or a fixed-wing aircraft, yet both - the Bell Boeing V-22 tiltrotor's uniqueness is what makes it special and incredibly difficult to...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Sleepless in Seattle


    Structural issues can crop up in aircraft development, but that it took Boeing so long to discover the latest 787 flaw is alarming and erodes confidence in the airframer

  • Opinion

    Comment: credibility gap


    With the 787 first flight close, Boeing should have been the toast of the show. But the airframer took body blows from clients who had a few choice words for the Americans in Paris

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    Comment: where there's life there's hope


    As expected, this year's Paris air show was abuzz with talk of the downturn and its impacts, as well as manufacturers' pleas for government support. The...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Carbon Credit


    At IATA's annual general meeting in Kuala Lumpur airline leaders took another big step on the environment by agreeing on capping emissions growth by 2020

  • Opinion

    COMMENT: Managing pilots takes more than just honing their flying skills


    A case study from a few years ago demonstrates how pilot performance is sensitive to airline management. To do their jobs really well, flightcrew need more than just good flight training

  • Opinion

    COMMENT: the spectre of Concorde haunting Airbus


    Don't mention the C word in front of Airbus bosses. Four decades ago Concorde emerged as a machine of stunning elegance that promised to revolutionise air...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Rise to the challenge


    Remember the good old days when new airliners arrived on time and on budget? Airbus faces a big challenge if the A350 XWB is to reverse recent trends, but it is confident it can

  • Opinion

    Comment: Forget green shoots, just enjoy the show


    For an industry urgently searching for green shoots, the well-trodden aisles and asphalt of the Paris air show may not be the best place to find them.

  • Opinion

    Comment: converting a winner to a loser


    Putting a price on intellectual property is always a challenge. In the case of the technical data defining the structural integrity of a large commercial...

  • Opinion

    Comment: pity the man at NASA


    Former Marine Charles Bolden is the White House nominee to head the US space agency, but whoever gets the job will not have an easy ride and will face flak from a multitude of critics

  • Opinion

    Comment: When better is worse


  • Opinion

    Comment: Quality vs quantity


  • Opinion

    Comment: What turns a crisis into a catastophe?


    As network carrier leaders meet at the IATA annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur in early June, they can be forgiven for feeling glum. With the industry in its worst crash dive in living memory, what is the prognosis for recovery and structural change?