All Opinion articles – Page 10

  • 737 Max 10 unveiling

    Can biggest 737 Max variant be a perfect 10?


    Amid the safety crisis enveloping the wider Boeing 737 Max programme, it has been easy to lose track of the progress of individual models.

  • GlobalEye

    Saab's GlobalEye keeps seeking out sales


    For the second time in four short years, Saab emerged as one of the surprise high fliers at the biennial Dubai air show – but its repeat sales success with the GlobalEye surveillance aircraft was just reward for a decade-plus relationship forged with the United Arab Emirates’ military.

  • Emirates Boeing signing

    Emirates shows restraint in latest order spree


    Emirates is renowned for its huge aircraft orders, and this year’s Dubai air show was no disappointment. But dig a bit deeper and it quickly becomes clear that the airline has actually been quite restrained in its spending.

  • 737 Max 8 - Boeing

    Is 737 Max nearing a comeback?


    When will the 737 Max fly again? For months, it seemed one guess was as good as the next. You might as well have asked someone off the street.

  • A330 MRTT - Airbus Defence & Space

    Ready for the next big tanker battle?


    Much as an army cannot march on an empty stomach, an air force can have only limited effect without the range- and endurance-boosting support provided by in-flight refuelling tankers.

  • El Al 787 - AirTeamImages

    Why Trent issues still rattle Rolls-Royce


    Rolls-Royce’s admission that its final fix for problematic parts on the Trent 1000 TEN engine will now not arrive before 2021 brings to mind Lady Bracknell’s famous quote from The Importance of Being Earnest.

  • Air France A318 - Air France

    Will Air France fleet renewal include stretched A220?


    Air France-KLM chief Ben Smith summed up one of the French flag carrier’s problems to investors during a briefing on its modernisation strategy.

  • Comment2-c-Shutterstock_c

    Garmin autoland system is next step toward pilotless future


    Just as we did not wake up one morning to find department store lift attendants had disappeared, or light rail systems in our cities suddenly without drivers sitting in the cab, the advent of autonomous passenger aircraft is unlikely to be as much a revolution as a decades-long journey of ...

  • Comment1-c-SusanWalsh_AP_Shutterstock-1_c

    Lion Air crash shows whole safety system under strain


    Hours after the Indonesian inquiry into Lion Air’s fatal Boeing 737 Max crash published its sobering findings, the US Federal Aviation Administration reassured that it was reviewing the proposed changes to the embattled twinjet’s design. “The aircraft will return to service only after the FAA determines it is safe,” insisted ...

  • G700 - Gulfstream

    Why Gulfstream is right to think big with G700


    Tom Wolfe called them Masters of the Universe in his 1987 novel The Bonfire of the Vanities – Wall Street plutocrats with wealth and influence to control every detail of their lives with a phone call, command, or flash of a credit card. For today’s Masters of the Universe – ...

  • 787-9 Project Sunrise - Qantas

    Can Qantas go the distance with Project Sunrise?


    On paper, it shouldn’t work. Nonstop flight between the UK and Australia was certainly once a “holy grail” of air transport, and even that was an improvement on being a ludicrous prospect when antipodean travel was an endurance feat involving days in transit and a multitude of refuelling points.

  • Boeing Porsche 2

    Will Boeing/Porsche pact turbocharge urban mobility?


    There have been hints before that the automotive sector was looking with interest at the potential offered by urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles, but the pact between Boeing and Porsche provides the most concrete evidence so far.

  • Karem AR40

    Who will prevail in US Army's FARA battle?


    As one of the most intriguing current helicopter competitions, the US Army’s search for a Future Assault Reconnaissance Aircraft is entering a crucial few months, before it awards prototype contacts for two bidders to participate in a winner-takes-all fly-off.

  • Rafale India - Dassault

    Why India must learn from Rafale procurement


    Pronouncements at aircraft handover ceremonies are not prone to understatement. Indeed, Dassault hailed its delivery of the first of 36 Rafale fighters to New Delhi as a “celebration of the history of mutual trust” between the French company and India.

  • Boeing 767 - AP/Shutterstock

    Could Genx-powered 767-X usurp Boeing’s NMA?


    Boeing’s closely guarded studies into what would effectively be a relaunch of the 767 for the 2020s add a fascinating new aspect to the long-running debate about the mid-market sector.

  • Comment 2

    Communist party shows Cold War is back


    Beijing’s vast parade on 1 October, celebrating 70 years of Communist Party rule, again underlined – as if there was any doubt – its dream of military domination in the Asia-Pacific.

  • Comment 1

    Why there can be no victors in looming trade war


    When the Cold War descended into its sub-zero depths of paranoia, the prevailing assumption was that neither side would dare to initiate a thermonuclear exchange because, no matter how intense the first salvo, the retaliatory strike would be sufficient to obliterate the aggressor.

  • Thomas Cook jets - Rui Vieira/AP/Shutterstock

    Why sentiment could not save Thomas Cook


    Sentimentality has little place in the harsh realm of modern business. There might be an inescapable sense of injustice surrounding the Thomas Cook affair, a feeling that a company approaching its third century of trading deserved a break.

  • 737 Max 8 - Boeing

    Why Boeing safety division must have power to act


    One of Boeing’s many challenges in the wake of the twin 737 Max disasters is how the company should reshape its internal systems to ensure the errors that led to the crashes – whether of omission or commission – are not repeated.

  • B-1Bs - US Air Force

    Can US Air Force keep pace with its ambitions?


    Speed kills. To defeat a near-peer adversary such as China or Russia in a future conflict, the US Air Force must operate at a pace that such nations will be unable to match.