All Opinion articles – Page 16

  • GECAS 737 Max 10 analysis

    OPINION: Will a GECAS sale be ‘Guinness Peat 2.0’?


    Over 20 years since Guinness Peat Aviation’s collapse became a defining moment in the aircraft leasing industry, the prospect of General Electric hiving off the world’s largest lessor, GECAS, could do the same.

  • Drone Chinook - Jed Leicester/REX/Shutterstock

    OPINION: Can aviation overcome drone collision risk?


    ​As of January this year, there had been just seven reported collisions between drones and manned aircraft globally, none of which were in the UK.

  • Interjet SSJ100

    OPINION: Interjet's sweet SSJ100 deal turns sour


    ​Mexican airline Interjet's attempt to step back from remarks that it is considering selling its Sukhoi Superjet 100 fleet is the latest development in a five-year-long service history that has been marked by operational challenges.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Air France-KLM bucks the nativist trend


    In a world where inward-looking political sensibilities are zeitgeist, the appointment of Canadian national Ben Smith as the new chief executive of Air France-KLM was a welcome surprise.

  • US Air Force fighters - US Air Force

    OPINION: Does US Air Force need a Loyal Wingman?


    Think of contemporary military might, and in all likelihood a list would rank the USA as flying way clear of any rival power – but Washington's dominance is increasingly being challenged by China and Russia.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: FlightGlobal Top 100 is a difficult club to join


    ​Its stalwarts range from household names on whose products much of the world’s population regularly travels to manufacturers of highly specialised equipment from passenger seats to cockpit controls. FlightGlobal’s ranking of the biggest 100 businesses in aerospace is a club that rarely admits new members or dramatically changes its hierarchy.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Pilot shortage has no easy solution


    ​As the aviation industry well knows, downturns have unexpected long-term consequences, beyond the immediate downsizing caused by global recession or other major shock to the system, such as 9/11.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Lessors will be lenders of last resort in Turkey


    Turkey is in the midst of a currency crisis as the lira continues to devalue. On 7 August the Turkish currency took a nosedive, falling 30% against the dollar.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Mental health issues should be real focus of Horizon probe


    ​On the surface the extraordinary Q400 larceny at Seattle might inevitably seem to be a prelude to new security countermeasures. But it only seems that way.

  • Commercial cabin

    OPINION: Interpretation of airline 'big data' must be objective


    The history of in-flight service is rich with – in some cases apocryphal – tales of carriers removing one peanut or piece of fruit per passenger and consequently saving tens of thousands of dollars a year. Such decisions were straightforward, born of a desire to save money.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: USAF light-attack plans give cause for optimism


    ​Hard and bitter experience entitles the small but vocal community of advocates for buying cheap turboprop-powered attack aircraft to be sceptical, but their time may have finally come.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: USA should show common humanity over Iran


    ​Nearly eight years after it was agreed, the treaty on suppression of unlawful acts relating to international civil aviation entered into force on 1 July.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Valid questions emerge from paranoia over Boeing-Embraer


    Four Brazilian lawmakers have petitioned the federal court to stop Embraer from forming two proposed joint ventures with Boeing. Embraer dismisses the attempt by the Workers Party members as a "natural" reaction to its proposed transactions – but not a barrier to completing the deals.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: MH370 findings fail to ease suspicion


    Scotland’s judicial system permits its juries a third verdict – “not proven” – and surely this is the only appropriate conclusion to reach while weighing the case for sabotage in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Tempest unveiling is clear statement of intent


    ​The UK’s leading industry players and Ministry of Defence played a great hand at the Farnborough air show, with a clear statement of intent that they will not be left behind as their French and German counterparts strive to create a future combat air system.

  • F-35A sunset - US Air Force

    OPINION: Turkish F-35 deal stays in danger zone


    After voicing previous disquiet over Turkey's acquisition of Lockheed Martin's latest stealth fighter, the US House and Senate armed services committees have made good on their threat of enacting legislation that could block future deliveries of the F-35 to Ankara.

  • A330neo A321LR

    OPINION: Airbus mid-market bridge could be tough sell


    Airbus's repackaging of its global market forecast into a series of categories more akin to a clothing store is a response to the blurring of lines between range and aircraft size.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Industry mirrors Farnborough's sunny skies


    ​There were no mega deals or aircraft launches, but anyone who thought this year’s Farnborough would pass with a whimper was mistaken. Swelling backlogs and a straining supply chain appear to be doing little to deter demand for Airbus and Boeing single-aisle types, even though many customers will not get ...

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Eye-catching figures belie nuances of Farnborough deals


    After last year's intolerable heat in Paris and Farnborough 2016's rainy deluge, the forecast for this year's major air show was sunny skies and mild temperatures – and for the most part the weather held up. The deal announcements, meanwhile, reflected the weather – the OEMs shone a bright light ...

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Airbus and Boeing can revitalise small narrowbody market


    ​For all the understandable headlines around the ­arrival of aerospace’s big two in the regional jet sector, there remains an unanswered question at the heart of the issue: will Airbus and Boeing finally be the catalyst for demand in this part of the market?