All Opinion articles – Page 19

  • Opinion

    OPINION: It may be ageing, but U-2S could be more relevant than ever


    ​On its first overflight mission of the Soviet Union 62 years ago, the Lockheed U-2 was tracked for the entire mission.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: 737 will be a hard act to follow


    ​When the first A320 was handed over three ­decades ago this month, few – Airbus included – would have put odds on deliveries reaching 1,000 aircraft, let alone the 8,000-mark recently passed.

  • Trent XWB - Rolls-Royce

    OPINION: Why Rolls-Royce must hope class is permanent


    ​Rolls-Royce, so long a byword for engineering ­excellence, is currently struggling to maintain its image as a finely-calibrated machine.

  • A330-300 - Airbus

    OPINION: Airbus to play long game with A330-800


    On the face of it, the Hawaiian Airlines widebody campaign was Airbus's to lose. It was the incumbent supplier with a powerful presence in the Pacific airline's fleet across both single- and twin-aisle sectors.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: F-35 cost issue is solvable, but needs fixing fast


    ​Some time in the next several weeks or months, the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme will pass a historic milestone. The system development and demonstration phase that began 17 years ago appears poised – barring any unforeseen showstoppers – to conclude by the end of summer. The aircraft, engine, simulators and ...

  • Opinion

    OPINION: 6X promises much, but Dassault needs customer patience


    ​Dassault hopes it has finally put the nightmare of its much-delayed and now axed 5X programme ­behind it. By launching a replacement version of the ultra-wide business jet, chief executive Éric Trappier says it will offer something even better.

  • Opinion

    ​OPINION: FLY purchase of Asia Aviation will lead to sales


    The sale of Asia Aviation Capital seemed like a challenge from the outset, but BBAM's purchase of AirAsia Group's leasing company's assets is nothing short of brilliant.

  • C-130J 400 - Lockheed Martin

    OPINION: C-130J's success gives hope to A400M


    ​Twenty years ago, Lockheed Martin made its first delivery of a C-130J to launch operator the UK Royal Air Force, following a troubled development and testing programme which was very much at odds with its chosen moniker: “Super Hercules”.

  • Qatar A350

    OPINION: Qatar Airways must choose wisdom over hubris


    ​If anyone thought Qatar Airways chief Akbar Al Baker, eight months into a Gulf blockade on the carrier, might choose to adopt a more diplomatic tone while addressing the international press, they must have been barking.

  • Joby - Joby Aviation

    OPINION: Are air taxis on a ride to nowhere?


    ​Don’t waste your money on a new car. Studies on the economics of taxi services built around autonomous electric-powered vertical take-off and landing aircraft – so-called eVTOLs – make compelling ­reading. Basically, cost per passenger mile looks like undercutting helicopter rides by an order of magnitude – and even makes ...

  • Saratov An-148 thumb

    OPINION: Why Saratov An-148 loss is cautionary tale


    Russia's rich literary history includes the short verse Gvozd i Podkova, in which a city falls to invaders because the blacksmith did not have a nail with which to shoe the defending commander's horse.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Schuldscheins prove aviation's private potential


    Aircraft financing has started to attract new investors in recent years, as part of the broader hunt for yield in which institutional investors have engaged since the global financial crisis.

  • A400M rescue - Action Press Rex Shutterstock

    OPINION: Can contract revision rescue A400M?


    ​One year ago, Airbus chief executive Tom Enders put the future of the company’s flagship military project on the line, by demanding crisis talks with its European customers for the long-troubled A400M.

  • Delta 757 - AirTeamImages

    OPINION: Who will lose out in NMA engine battle?


    ​How long can a duopoly of large commercial aircraft manufacturers sustain a triopoly of engine suppliers? We may find out the answer later this year.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: New boss, new Leonardo?


    Corporate chiefs are fearful of missing out on the Next Big Thing, of leaving it to bold, visionary rivals to anticipate a future that they themselves were too short-sighted, or too timid, to grasp.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Is the CSeries ruling a seismic shift?


    Over the past four months, the competitive landscape in the small-narrowbody jet market has been turned upside down. Bombardier has agreed to give Airbus control of the CSeries programme and open a new final assembly line in Alabama. Boeing is in discussions to construct some kind of combination with Embraer. ...

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Sales activity suggests lessors are calling the peak


    Dublin got its annual influx of aircraft financiers late last month when the community gathered for conference season in the Irish capital.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: X6 delay could be a regret for Airbus Helicopters chief


    ​For his final annual press conference as head of Airbus Helicopters, Guillaume Faury adopted the Édith Piaf approach, declaring that he had “no regrets” about any aspect of his five-year stint as chief executive.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: ATR in pole position to launch new turboprop – for now


    ATR is an enviable position: the Airbus-Leonardo joint venture supplies more than three-quarters of the annual demand for regional turboprops, has an order backlog – significantly bolstered in 2017 – equating to around three years of production, and, perhaps most significantly, its sole Western competitor, Bombardier, is currently occupied with ...

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Market looks rosy, but beware the unknown


    ​If Boeing intended to antagonise Airbus ahead of the annual order tussle, it chose to tweak the European airframer’s most sensitive nerve.