All Opinion articles – Page 38

  • SpaceX

    OPINION: Will US have to look for an all-American alternative to Russian rockets?


    ​War, as the saying goes, is the domain of chance. Business is usually more friendly to calculated manoeuvres, but when actual fighting intervenes all bets are off.

  • Qatar Airways 787 at Farnborough 2012

    OPINION: Al Baker springs to Boeing's defence


    ​Qatar Airways’ Akbar Al Baker rarely holds back when pointing out suppliers’ shortcomings. Airbus and Boeing have both been publicly chastised when they have fallen short of the uncompromising standards set by the boss of the fast-growing Gulf airline.

  • Opinion

    ​OPINION: Qantas bounce-back requires proactivity


    Qantas’s major A$2.8 ­billion ($2.6 billion) net loss for the 2014 fiscal year is the price it has paid for holding to a strategy that, arguably, has been set by its competitors and has failed to achieve its objectives.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Industry must learn from MAS tragedies


    Hugh Dunleavy is commercial director at Malaysia Airlines

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Why O'Leary's transatlantic dream might have to wait


    ​It is an absurdly great time to be selling widebody airliners. One look at the order backlogs of Airbus and Boeing confirms this point, but also consider this: there is a premier customer with ample access to financing – Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary – who claims he is unable to place ...

  • MH17 crash

    OPINION: Utmost integrity crucial to investigation into MH17


    ​The fuselage of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 operating flight MH17 was extensively punctured by “high energy objects” that entered from outside, says the initial report. The weakened hull then broke up, and wreckage was widely scattered over agricultural land in rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine.

  • F35 grounded

    OPINION: Why aerospace firms must tackle titanium cheats


    ​When Pratt & Whitney accused a supplier in late August of furnishing defective titanium for the F135 engine on the Lockheed Martin F-35, it was easy – but not entirely correct – to connect the problem to a string of component reliability failures and supplier management miscues already connected to ...

  • Zeppelin article image

    OPINION: Is there a commercial future for airships?


    ​The five decades from 1914 saw heavier-than-air ­aviation evolve from basic biplanes to the jet age. The subsequent 50 years welcomed stealth, supersonic airliners, huge advances in aerostructures and mass air travel. However, lighter-than-air technology has moved somewhat more hesitantly in the century since German Zeppelins first terrorised Londoners.

  • British airways A380 heathrow

    OPINION: Lessons from BA can guide Alitalia comeback


    The transformation of British Airways three decades ago from bloated, loss-making industry joke to benchmark network carrier is a seen as the definitive case study in managing a business turnaround.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Airline siblings must harmonise to avoid cannibalisation


    Shakeel Adam is managing partner of Aviado Partners, a global consultancy specialising in airline commercial issues and assisting carriers to maximise their partnership potential; his Twitter handle is @shakeeladam

  • Sukhoi Su-35

    OPINION: How Putin's actions will harm Russian industry


    ​Just over one year ago, Russia’s resurgent aerospace industry dominated the flying display at the Paris air show, ably covering for the low-profile showing by the unusually cash-strapped US armed forces. Highlights included the Sukhoi Su-35 fighter and Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter, along with the Superjet regional ­airliner and Irkut’s ...

  • MH17 crash site

    OPINION: MH17 - The chances of success for the investigators


    ​The loss of flight MH17 is not about Malaysia ­Airlines. Everyone in the aviation industry knows what a cruel irony it is that this carrier has lost a second Boeing 777 with everybody on board – again apparently through no fault of its own – and empathises with its employees ...

  • ansp cost new

    OPINION: Why Europe’s airspace user charges are rising


    European air navigation service provider (ANSP) charges were brought into sharp relief in early June when the German ANSP, DFS, announced increases of up to 30% in 2015, leading to an immediate and predictable outcry from the Association of European Airlines

  • Pilot shortage

    OPINION: Is the industry facing a pilot shortage?


    Japanese airlines are having to cancel schedules because they have too few flightcrew. American ­carriers, especially regionals, have the same problem. Ryanair is having to migrate crew around its network to patch up holes in local rosters.

  • Rotana Jet G450

    COMMENT: Business jet gamblers roll the dice again


    ​Look around the business jet industry today and on the surface the view is quite impressive. The marketplace abounds with a flashy array of major product upgrades and clean-sheet designs in various stages of development, while stage whispers gossip of yet-unannounced aircraft launches still to come.

  • White house

    COMMENT: Aviation industry must prepare for US financial shocks


    ​Like the outbreak of a deadly virus in Southeast Asia, the eruption of a volcano in Iceland or a devastating tsunami in Japan, the global aviation industry faces another sudden and apparently uncontrollable financial shock.

  • Winglet

    ANALYSIS: Aviation Partners, Boeing split opinions on 737 wing-tips


    Aviation Partners has started showing airlines a split-tip winglet with blended, "scimitar"-edged feathers as a retrofit option that the joint venture estimates...

  • Opinion

    COMMENT: The difficulties of aircraft delivery timetable planning


    Farnborough visitors could feast their eyes on a fantastic array of new airliner hardware that was on parade. But customers for this advanced breed just wish that the production effort could be conducted as smoothly as their aerial displays

  • Opinion

    COMMENT: New model armies


    Asia-Pacific's network-carrier royalty is under attack from all sides, forcing the region's leading airlines to re-evaluate long-established business models as they try to work out how to compete in a rapidly evolving marketplace

  • Opinion

    COMMENT: Is there some comfort to be found in expensive fuel?


    Sustained oil prices are ratcheting up the pressure on airlines to find more ways to tackle costs that are under their control. But with the industry pointing in the direction of unknown territory, could there also be some comfort to be had from expensive fuel?