All Opinion articles – Page 42

  • Opinion

    Comment: Lessons lost


    A baffling oversight on the part of the US Air Force's special operations command means that the causes of a fatal crash - and any need for remedial action - are still to be understood

  • Opinion

    Comment: Keeping them in Kansas


    States and cities proffering taxpayers' money to lure or retain manufacturing businesses is a controversial tactic that can smack of featherbedding and throwing good dollars after bad.

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    Comment: Show off


    Military aircraft display routines are supposed to be about giving taxpayers a prudent, safe look at what they're getting for their money - not pushing aircraft to and beyond their limits

  • Opinion

    Comment: certain uncertainty


    Airbus thinks customers will rush to sign up for the 15% fuel burn reduction that its A320 NEO offers. But as Toulouse ratchets up its sales effort, opinion...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Long haul in Korea


    When the USA led a United Nations crusade to turn back an act of Cold War aggression in a former Japanese colony it wasn't planning for the future, but 60 years later it's still on station

  • Opinion

    Comment: a job too big... or too small?


    It may be the most prestigious business jet completion project ever, but Europe's tiny band of high-end interiors specialists are surprisingly reluctant to take on the first Airbus A380 corporate airliner.

  • Opinion

    Comment: End of a stand-off


    In taking the bold step of avoiding a new-product strategy, Airbus sets in train a long-postponed game-theory exercise of which indefinite status quo is the only impossible result

  • Opinion

    Comment: No place to hide


    A range of new security technologies waiting for recognition have the potential simultaneously to improve the airport experience for passengers and outwit potential terrorists.

  • Opinion

    Comment: Deja vu in DC


    We may never again see anything like the General Dynamics F-111, but at least we can relive the bitterly controversial contract dispute that enveloped Washington at its creation

  • Opinion

    Comment: the cyclical pilot feeding frenzy


    It looks as if the airlines are waking up, as they always do in the end, to the fact that stopping pilot and engineer recruitment in a recession does not freeze the number of employees precisely where it was when recruiting stopped.

  • Opinion

    Comment: No free ride to space


    Saving money and developing a spacecraft to replace the Shuttle sound like mutally exclusive endeavours in cash-strapped Washington, but politicians aren't getting the real cost issue

  • Opinion

    Comment: Accident information rules must change


    The commercial air transport industry and its regulators, all the way up to the International Civil Aviation Organisation, need to review their protocols...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Speculation and reassurance


    Rolls-Royce has been taking a lot of heat. Having one of its newest products - a mighty Trent 900 - blow up under the wing of that most attention-grabbing of aircraft, a packed-with-people Qantas Airbus A380, was a good route to negative publicity.

  • Opinion

    Comment: New report shows that airline pilots are missing both basic and advanced skills


    Pilots are perhaps the most frequently re-trained people in any profession, yet accidents are revealing that many flightcrew are missing both basic and advanced skills

  • Opinion

    Comment: China's not whispering


    Foreign visitors to next week's Zuhai air show may rightly conclude that locally developed aircraft aren't up to Western standards - but they'll be completely missing the point

  • Opinion

    Comment: UK/France defence pact spells a tale of two cities


    Facing the worst of financial times, the UK and France have signed a broad-ranging defence co-operation pact ...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Breakthrough or bust


    After 25 years of operating Bell's Kiowa Warrior as an 'interim' platform, the US Army is pushing, again, for a replacement. But will a gamble on new technology return a winner?

  • Opinion

    Comment: A silver lining to the ash cloud?


    In recent years the European Union has zapped its air carriers. It has introduced over-the-top passenger rights legislation and has delayed and long-routed flights with its jigsaw-puzzle air traffic management system. And it has overcharged airlines for the privilege.

  • Opinion

    Comment: The fear factor


  • Opinion

    COMMENT: Business aviation is shackled in most of the world


    Business aviation gets a rough ride in most of the world for no good reason. Changing that situation should be the principal aim of all the business aviation...