All Opinion articles – Page 49

  • Opinion

    Comment: Tankered up for a laugh


    "Do you really think we would put a [request for proposals] out on the streets that wasn't near-full-proof?" Gen Norton Schwartz, US Air Force Chief of Staff,...

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    Comment: pilot training for the screenage generation


    The latest Level D full flight simulators are a sight to behold. With their six-axis motion and high fidelity vision systems they are perhaps the ultimate...

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    Comment: Unintelligence


    Aviation security based on covert operations has been proven effective. Sadly, the security arrangements endured at airports is actually based on blame-deflection

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    Comment: 787: where the buck stops


    With Scott Carson's exit, Boeing Commercial Airplanes is largely purged of the names most outsiders would associate with the troubled development of the...

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    Comment: dig deep for defence


    The UK's armed forces in Afghanistan are involved in their toughest and most deadly combat duty in decades, but the nation's annual military budget has fallen dangerously behind

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    Comment: Praying for an Eclipse


    We've all heard it before. General aviation aircraft manufacturer goes bankrupt. Deposit holders lose their money. New investors buy the assets at pennies...

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    Comment: Quality at low cost


    Once upon a time the 'Made in China' stamp was a signal to be wary. Now Western airframers are flocking east to reap the rewards of low-cost quality workmanship and forge partnerships

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    COMMENT: Rise and fall of a Republic


    The collapse of fractional start-up Jet Republic will have astonished few. Launching against market leader NetJets Europe - itself troubled - at the dawn...

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    Comment: Blogging into trouble


    As we all grapple with the brave new world of the internet and modern communications, the actions of two Boeing employees are a stark reminder that ethical behaviour is still needed

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    Comment: Hard labour


  • Opinion

    Comment: When actions speak louder than words


    The news that Airbus will build all its single-aisle aircraft (in Europe at least) under one roof is refreshing proof that it is going to stop the talk and...

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    Comment: Upset recovery training


    The US FAA is right to be researching ways to train pilots for recovery from unusual attitudes, and EASA should be watching. But there is more than one way of achieving the objective

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    Comment: Russian revolution


    The Superjet 100 and MS-21 all-new single aisle will play crucial roles in the re-invention of a once mighty aerospace nation looking to again be a major player in the airliner industry

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    Comment: Europe should have a common, higher transition altitude


    Europe needs to drop disparate national transition altitudes and standardise. Ideally it should be done throughout, but regional change would be a start,...

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    Comment: too good to be true?


    The top executives at Airbus, Boeing and Embraer are united in the belief that - despite the ongoing global economic turmoil - they've all sensed a slackening...

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    Comment: Oshkosh spectators hail WhiteKnight Two and the A380


    Forgotten how inspiring aviation can be? Cast aside all cynicism and make a pilgrimage to AirVenture and join the crowds celebrating the passion of flight

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    Comment: Remote control for life


    Historically the skies have been a safe haven, one of the few places where we are quite literally out of reach. Not any more. As we become increasingly dependent on devices like the iPhone, how long will it be before onboard connectivity becomes the norm?

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    COMMENT: Pilot training is the key to recovering airline safety


    Airline safety advance has stalled. Pilot training looks like the key, and it is high time the regulators and airlines reviewed how recurrent training is done for modern aircraft

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    Comment: one man's legacy for war


    The death of Robert McNamara stirs thoughts about the past: Vietnam, Cuba and, yes, military acquisition policy. The USA's longest-serving secretary of defence,...

  • Opinion

    Comment: we come in peace


    The 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's triumphant Moon mission is a much justified celebration, but are we marking a great moment from our past or one step on a great journey forwards?