All Opinion articles – Page 53

  • Opinion

    Comment: curb these killers


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    Comment: Nuclear reaction is unwarranted


    Cranfield University's school of engineering professor Ian Poll found his suggestion of nuclear-powered aircraft...

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    Comment: The edge of the hedge


    Southwest's fuel price gamble rebounded to turn what would have been a profit into the carrier's first-ever quarterly loss. But the bottom line is that a good product will make money

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    Comment: Will downturn cloud Clean Sky initiatives?


    If necessity is the mother of invention, European research funding may well be its rich and benevolent grandfather. The public has a right to police its...

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    Comment: Sweetened deals that leave a sour taste


    To many small-business owners brought up in the affluent comforts of a free-market, democratic culture, corruption is something that happens over there but...

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    Comment: Whose data is it anyway?


    There is a tendency among many of the world's accident investigation agencies to treat the information they gather as their property. It is not. And judicial interference makes this worse

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    Comment: Get-out clause


    Computer modelling could provide a much more accurate - and safer - way of testing how easy it is to evacuate a new aircraft type after an accident. So why aren't airframers interested?

  • Opinion

    Comment: who'll take a bet on a composite jet?


    Grob Aerospace can be added to the long list of airframers that have seen the cash dry up at that most crucial time - when certification is tantalisingly...

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    Comment: Immunity jab


    The renewed bid by American Airlines and British Airways to forge a transatlantic partnership, backed by antitrust immunity, looks set to establish the platform...

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    Comment: Lessons unheeded


    US defence contractors must be more honest about their outsourcing policies if they are to avoid embarrassing moments in future and stand any chance of beating foreign competitors

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    Comment: Giant pressure on Airbus's goliath


    Things get serious for the A380 this week, as Emirates becomes the second airline to start earning money with the giant. Airbus will begin to face a stern...

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    Comment: An industry in denial?


    Spiralling fuel is a crisis for airlines. So why was the mood so buoyant at Farnborough? Is this an industry that is ignoring the writing on the wall or one that thinks it has the answers?

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    Comment: Could Gulf carriers become serious predators?


    When it comes to big aircraft order splashes at air shows, Gulf carriers are the current masters. But as these fledgling nations incubate carriers aimed...

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    Comment: Flawed and dangerous


    The US Air Force may now have to wait for years to buy the new tankers that it needs immediately, all because it failed to follow its own rules in the selection process

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    Comment: Herding cats


    There are some very frustrated Boeing 777 customers who are facing a month-long wait for their new aircraft. And it's frustrating for them because, for once,...

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    Comment: For whom the bell tolls


    Airlines attending the June IATA annual meeting in Istanbul faced up to the realisation that their industry is in crisis amid record oil prices and slowing...

  • Opinion

    Comment: Boeing's 787 spin machine reverses course -- finally


    The aerospace community understands that designing a new aircraft from scratch is hard - make that very, very hard. It doesn't help that every new clean-sheet...

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    Comment: No news good news


    Synthetic gas-to-liquid is a stepping stone not an end game. The issue now is to transition swiftly from research programmes to certification before international investors lose faith

  • Opinion

    Comment: Talking is difficult


    ICAO's deadline for states to ensure their pilots and controllers can pass a language proficiency standard has passed with only a few states complying. Why does this matter?