Cirrus is here in force – not just promoting its SJ-50 but also the Garmin Perspective option for its SR22 airplanes.

Since the introduction earlier in May, the new option has met a warm welcome. Ryan Creurer, Cirrus corporate pilot says:  “People love the Perspective. There is a little bit of a learning curve but we’re mainly selling the Perspective.”

The upgrade is a $46,000 option over the standard Avidyne fit. For the extra, pilots get two 12-inch displays over the Avidyne 10-inch and a full FMS with keyboard, as well as a synthetic vision.

 Garmin perspective

Added to that is the new digital autopilot, which includes extra features such as the ability to perform VNAV, IAS climbs and a level function.

“The level function is a real safety bonus if you lose spatial orientation,” explains Creurer. The autopilot will kick in when the level button is pressed and switch on the flight director to immediately roll the aircraft level and hold the current altitude. “This is not for spin recovery, it is purely a tool to aid you if you become disorientated while you are in the clouds,” he adds.

Creurer says that the digital autopilot is much smoother and more “solid” than the standard 55X autopilot.

The system is an evolution of Garmin’s G1000 avionics opration but Creurer says: “You have to treat it like a giant [Garmin GNS] 430. It’s much safer and more robust. It’s a real go-places airplane now.”

The upgrade also has the option for Garmin’s Safe Taxi, automatically switching to it when you land.

“It has dual AHRS [Altitude and Heading Reference System] and if one of them fails you won’t notice the switch to the other. If the PFD fails you can switch the flight critical information to the MFD,” explains Creurer.

Flying with the Perspective is relatively simple. Flight Daily News took the controls and found that all the information was easy to find, easy to use and intuitive.

Another added feature is the go-around button, conveniently positioned on the throttle quadrant. When engaged, the flight director comes alive and sets a seven-degree pitch-up attitude while the avionics automatically activate the missed approach.

Graham Horne, sales director of the UK-based Cirrus UK distributorship says:  “We haven’t sold a single aircraft without Perspective since it was introduced.”



Source: Flight International