WAI Celebrates Women Aviators

What could be the largest gathering of women pilots in history will take place on Aeroshell Square tomorrow Afternoon.

This is part of Women In Aviation celebration of the role that women have played in aviation and to encourage more women to become active in aviation

There is a celebrity breakfast taking place first at the EAA Nature Center Tent 2.featuring   AirVenture performers Julie Clark and Patty Wagstaff; and the WASPs (WWII.Women Air Force Service Pilots).Tickets can be purchased from the WAI booth..

Repair Product Shines

Plastek LLC has launched a new acrylic repair and restoration product for aircraft at AirVenture. The Ezclear Acrylic Repair and Restoration Kit removes normal wear, hazing and scratches from acrylic aircraft windows. The product, which is manufactured in the USA, is being demonstrated throughout the show.

Going It Alone

A new airport in Branson, Missouri will be the subject of a press conference at Oshkosh tomorrow. Branson is pioneering a new form of airport operation. Scheduled to open in May 2009, the airport will be the "first privately financed and operated commercial service airport in the United States." It is seeking low cost carriers to serve the town, according to Deputy Airport Director Gene Conrad. The airport will also welcome GA and business aviation

Tiger’s Tale

Tigerfish Aviation aims to make efficient use of the world's waterways with it's Retracting Amphibious Pack Technology (RAPT). The retrofit system boasts a significant reduction in drag over conventional floats, and has the potential to alleviate congestion at busy land-based airports if installed on transport category aircraft.

Skylark Czechs Out Of Europe

The Skylark LSA has ceased manufacture in the Czech Republic and moved all production activity to Skyview Aviation’s facilities in Tracy, California.

David Marsden, designer of the Skylark, has taken an active role in the change-over and has introduced a number of refinements to the design, which will be designatedthe Skylark II and sold in ready-to-fly configuration.

“The devaluation of the dollar against all European currencies has made it possible to produce the aircraft in this country with significant technological upgrades and no increase in price,” says Craig Vincent, director of sales for Skyview Aviation.

Sportsplanes.com will continue managing distribution, but won’t be taking orders until new aircraft roll off the production line.

Changes to the Skylark II will include a larger canopy, full-span flaperons in place of flaps and ailerons, a glass panel which replaces steam gauges, autopilot, and a number of fairing enhancements and gap seals.

Cadet’s Truck Stop

And now for something completely different! The Interstate S-1A-65F Cadet stayed true to its Oshkosh heritage as it landed on the back of a moving truck.

The Interstate Cadet actually holds the mantle of having been the first American aircraft to be shot at by the Japanese in World War II.

Twenty-two-year-old Cornelia Fort was flying on the morning of December 7, 1941 with a student on board when she was attacked by an A6M2 Zero on its way to Pearl Harbor.

Jelly Belly 

Police Called In As CZAW Row Erupts

The feud over control of Czech Aircraft Works now involves the police, who spent Tuesday looking through the files of the manufacturer of the Sportcruiser and the Parrot.

“They didn’t find anything out of the ordinary,” says CZAW president Chip Erwin. He predicts they may now investigate Slavia Capital, the largest shareholder, which has requested the courts to declare CZAW insolvent. “The police don't like being dragged into internal disputes,” comments Erwin.

Slavia Capital accuses Erwin of putting the company into the red and hopes to reorganize after the insolvency proceedings it initiated.

“All the data provided by CZAW is still incorrect and incomplete,” says spokesperson Katerina Kavanova, adding that Slava Capital’s case clearly has merit. “According to the Insolvency Act, the court is obliged to deny any insolvency proposal that does not fulfill the requirements stipulated by law,” she says.

For his part, Erwin points to the 100 aircraft the company has delivered this year and an increase in the employee total. “We would have produced twice as many aircraft if not for this fight,” he says.

Plans to produce the amphibious Mermaid LSA have been put on hold. “If there was some strategic partner, some aviation company that brought more to the table than money, we would be interested in talking to them,” he says. 

Source: Flight International