Franco-US joint venture CFM International is geared up to raise production of its engine families to 1,500 units a year as demand for narrowbody aircraft soars in the coming years.

This year the manufacturer will produce 1,260 engines rising to 1,400 by 2013, said Chaker Chahrour, CFM executive vice-president. It "can easily reach" a production rate of 1,500-1,600 units annually to match the planned outputs of Airbus and Boeing.

CFM Leap X core manufacture
 © CFM International

CFM has worked with its extensive supply chain to secure its output requirements for the next two to three years, said Jean-Paul Ebanga, CFM president.

So far this year, on the eve of the show, CFM has booked engine orders worth $6.8 billion with 681 engines added to its backlog. In 2010 it took 1,585 engine orders. "By the end of the show we are expecting a significant number on top of that so the future is bright for CFM," said Ebanga.

Source: Flight Daily News