A newly established group in Germany hopes to use the Paris air show as a platform to publicise its attempts to push for the widespread development and use of alternative fuels in the commercial aviation sector.

Air Berlin, Condor, Lufthansa, Munich airport, MTU Aero Engines, Rolls-Royce Germany and EADS have teamed up with German research organisations and biofuels specialists to form an association called Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany (Aireg).

"The initiative aims to promote the use of regenerative energy sources in aviation in Germany and create a sound basis for political decision-making with regard to the introduction of climate-friendly aviation fuels," said Aireg in its launch statement.

Aireg president Klaus Nittinger said: "With the founding of Aireg, we are at long last bundling national activities so as to achieve the challenging emission reduction targets for the aviation industry. A later expansion of activities to the European level remains conceivable at all times."

Aireg is the latest in a string of efforts across the globe to help move the production of sustainable aviation fuels from small quantities to commercially viable levels.

Aireg will not have its own stand at the show but is planning an event to publicise its efforts.

Source: Flight Daily News