• Helinet Aviation Services has appointed Aled Miles president and chief operating officer and formed a board consisting of Barry Frank, Louis Caldera, James Hunt, founder Alan Purwin and chief executive David Calvert-Jones.
  • Ray Borg is to be Air Malta's country manager UK and Ireland.
  • EADS Barfield has named Didier Astic vice-president of purchasing.
  • JetBlue Airways has appointed Martin St George successor to vice-president planning David Ulmer, who is to retire.
  • James Zerby has become Park Electrochemical's vice-president and controller of the company.
  • Esterline's chairman and chief executive Robert Cremin is to be British honorary consul in Seattle.
  • TT has named Steve Leonard vice-president and director of operations. Michael Bertin becomes vice-president and director of compliance and contracts and Ed Clements is director of R & D engineering.
  • Jeremiah Gertler has become assistant vice-president of defence policy for the Aerospace Industries Association. He was previously a senior fellow and lead analyst on missile defence and base closure issues at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

Source: Flight International