• André Dosé, former chief executive of Swiss International Air Lines, is taking over as chief executive of Gulf Air after James Hogan's departure in September.
  • UPS has promoted David Abney to the position of chief operating officer as well as president of UPS Airlines, and Alan Gershenhorn to the position of president of UPS International.
  • VLM Airlines has appointed John Scarff as station manager for its London hub.
  • AAR has taken on former president of United Airlines and Air Sahara Rono Dutta as strategic adviser to the company for its activities in India.
  • Teri Marconi has been appointed vice-president of combat avionics for electronic systems at Northrop Grumman.
  • John McCoury has been chosen as vice-president of engineering and chief engineer at Aviation Technology (ATG).
  • Rolls-Royce has appointed Chris Cyr as executive vice-president for airlines, Americas. n Gordon McConnell has been named chief engineer for Airbus's A350 XWB aircraft.
  • Chinese flag carrier Air China has named Cai Jianjiang as its new president, replacing Ma Xulun.

Source: Flight International