• Beagle Aerospace has appointed Claire Partridge finance director and Jane Evans human resources manager. The company has also taken on two new business development executives: Robin Collinson and James Wilson.
  • Airbus and Sita joint venture OnAir has chosen Benoit Debains, former Airbus senior vice-president finance, as its new chief executive. Sita executive David Russell is taking on the role of chief operating officer for OnAir.
  • Flight Safety Technologies has added two new independent directors - Wes Cummins and James Schwartz - to its board following the departure of Stephen Tocco.
  • Jack Romero has resigned from his role as chief executive of United Arab Emirates-based start-up carrier RAK Airways, before its expected launch of flights in April. Khater Massaad is taking over from him.
  • Indian low-cost carrier GoAir has named Birender Ahluwalia chief commercial officer. Waviatech has appointed two new project managers: Annamaria Szoke and Alan Godson.
  • Clark Freise has been named vice-president and general manager of BAE Systems' defence avionics business unit.

Source: Flight International