Raytheon brought its Surface-Launched Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (SL-AMRAAM) to Asian Aerospace for the first time, very hopeful of swiftly acquiring export customers in the Middle East.

The company believes there will be money in Kuwait’s budget in April for the missile system, while a recent Raytheon visit to Saudi Arabia elicited “extreme interest” from that country’s regular armed forces as well as its National Guard.

The company has brought the SL-AMRAAM’s fire distribution centre (FDC) demonstrator to the show, and is showing the three-console unit on its stand (A1412).  A company team will travel to Brunei on Monday to brief the country on improving the capability and effectiveness of its existing Mistral systems by using the FDC, and also to discuss its requirement for a future medium-range air defence system.

The company rolled out the international version of the SL-AMRAAM last May; the US Marine Corps completed its SL-AMRAAM operational test programme in November and the service is due to field the weapon in the guise of the Complementary Low Altitude Weapon System (CLAWS) around May or June.

Source: Flight Daily News