International Aero Engines (IAE) is a major player in the Far East – its V2500 engine is the powerplant of choice for the Airbus A320 family with more than half of its largest customers coming from the region.

Last year, the majority of customers for the A320 single-aisle aircraft chose the V2500 turbofan to power their aircraft, strengthening the company's 72% overall market share that it enjoyed in 2001.

In this region, V2500 engines propelled IAE's market share to 65% with customers including China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and Singapore.

IAE is an international consortium between Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, Japanese Aero Engines and Germany's MTU Aero Engines. President and chief executive Steve Heath says: "Asia's hi-tech industry is one of the key factors behind its economic strength and IAE's success in the A320 family engine market is based on the same hi-tech principle.

"Our continuously growing customer base in the region and worldwide takes advantage of our innovative products and services.


"We offer superior technology for the most advanced, fuel efficient, environmentally friendly and lowest noise engine in the single aisle market."

More than 1,750 IAE V2500 engines have been delivered and the worldwide fleet has accumulated more than 19 million hours.

Production of the V2500 reached record levels in 2001 with 281 engines worth more than $1.8 billion being delivered to Airbus's final assembly plants in Toulouse and Hamburg.

n A few weeks after IAE introduced its new logotype and symbol, the company re-launched its internet site – or

A core element in the company's web strategy is IAE's portal where customers can interact with employees as well as creating personalised web pages to deliver news, information, reports, and the interactive tools needed to operate the V2500 effectively.

Source: Flight Daily News