Rolls-Royce has launched a science education initiative to try and encourage the next generation of engineers.

The Rolls-Royce Science Prize is open to every school and college in the UK and Ireland and is aimed at teachers of pupils of 3-19 years old, who create inspiring science teaching proposals.

Successful proposals to improve the teaching of science could win up to £15,000 for schools or colleges to spend on their science and technology provision.

Research published in 2002 suggests science is the area in which primary and secondary school teachers are least confident and between 1991-9 the numbers of students studying science, engineering and technology subjects at A-level decreased sharply.

Rolls-Royce chief executive Sir John Rose says: "We need talented young scientists and engineers to ensure we remain competitive.

"Recent statistics show a worrying decline in the number of students studying science, engineering and technology subjects and we hope the Rolls-Royce Science Prize will help to reverse this trend."

Source: Flight Daily News